Saturday, April 30, 2011

Is epilepsy caused by the jinn?

Is epilepsy caused by the jinn?
Since epilepsy is caused by jinn, how do we explain the black woman who came to the Prophet (saaws) asking for him to invoke Allah for her cure of her illness of epilepsy and coming uncovered, but there was no mention of jinn possession? Or is there a mistake in translation and it wasn't really epilepsy?


Praise be to Allaah.


Epilepsy in most cases is caused by the jinn, and in some
cases by some defect in the body, brain or nerves, or mood swings, or some
weakness in the physical structure. All of these may cause loss of
consciousness or unbalanced behaviour. The black woman’s epilepsy may have
been caused by the jinn, but there was no need to mention the cause, which
is why the narrators only mentioned what needs to be done when epilepsy
occurs, for whatever reason, of making du’aa’ and performing ruqyah, or
bearing it with patience and seeking the reward from Allaah.

 Shaykh ‘Abd al-Kareem al-Khudayr

 The hadeeth about the black woman is narrated in Saheeh
al-Bukhaari (5652) and Saheeh Muslim (2576). In some versions of
the hadeeth there is an indication that her epilepsy was caused by the jinn.
For example, in a version narrated by al-Bazzaar, she said, “I am afraid
that the evil one may cause me to become uncovered.” Al-Haafiz Ibn Hajar
said: “It may be understood from some of the different versions of the
hadeeth that what Umm Zafar was suffering from was the kind of epilepsy
caused by the jinn and not that which results from dysfunction in the

Fath al-Baari, hadeeth no. 5652.

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