What people have told you, that the one who has been affected
by witchcraft should see the one who put the evil eye on him or put a spell
on him, may or may not be true. It is not correct to accuse an innocent
person of using witchcraft against the victim. What the victim sees during
the ruqyah cannot be taken as being correct for sure, rather what usually
happens is something imaginary from the Shaytaan that is aimed at stirring
up enmity and hatred among people. So we should not pay any attention to it.
But even though, according to sharee’ah, such things cannot be relied on,
that does not mean that we should not take precautions against those whom it
is feared may cause harm through witchcraft or the evil eye etc, without
that implying any accusation without proof or causing any feeling of
This accusation is very serious because it may be tantamount
to an accusation of kufr, and not just an accusation of causing harm. That
is because the practitioner of witchcraft is either a kaafir or an evildoer.
The ruling varies according to the way in which he practices witchcraft.
Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen said in his commentary on the hadeeth,
“Avoid the seven things which doom a person to Hell: associating others with
Allaah, witchcraft…”:
The word sihr (witchcraft) is one of the actions that doom a
person to Hell. The apparent meaning of the words of the Prophet SAWS (peace
and blessings of Allaah be upon him) is that it makes no difference if that
is done through the devils or by means of medicines and potions.
Because if it is done through the devils, that can only be
done by associating them in worship with Allaah, which comes under the
heading of shirk (associating others with Allaah). If it is other than that,
it is also a major sin, because witchcraft is one of the worst crimes that
can be committed against the sons of Adam. It adversely affects the
spiritual and worldly affairs of the victim, and causes him anxiety, thus
making him like an animal. Indeed it is even worse than that, because
animals were created like that, but if a human being is diverted from his
true, sound nature, this causes hardship and anxiety to an extent which only
Allaah knows. Hence witchcraft comes second only to shirk in this list of
grave sins.
Al-Qawl al-Mufeed Sharh Kitaab al-Tawheed,
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