Saturday, June 16, 2012

Koran mentions to people of the book

(In the name of Allah, most gracious, most merciful all praise and thanks are due to Alá and peace and blessings be upon his Messenger)
The Holy Qur'an mentions a lot of stories about ancient civilizations and peoples who were subject to the messengers of Almighty Allah. These messengers wanted that these people to leave the evil ways of life and pay attention to the word of Almighty Allah, who ever hear no, before the wrath of the Almighty.
Among these messengers, some were blessed to carry the word of Almighty Allah in the form of a sacred book. Four heavenly books are descended from the heavens to guide humanity. Koran referred to followers of these messengers as the people of the book.
"Mankind was one single nation, and Alá sent messengers with glad tidings and warnings;" and with them they sent the book in truth to judge between people in matters that differed; but the people of the book, after the clear signs came to them did not differ among themselves, except through selfish contudo. Allah by his grace guided the believers to the truth concerning that they differed. "Alá guides that he will be a path that is straight." (Surah Al - Baqarah)
The people of the book is to Christians, Jews and Muslims. Christians received the Gospel (Bible), the Jews received the Torah, and Muslims received the sacred book of the Koran. But as Alá says in the Holy Qur'an that the people were not very receptive to the teachings of the Prophet Mohammed (SAW), despite knowing he was truthful about the prophecies.
"Even if you were to bring together the people of the book all the signs (a) they do not continue your Qibla;" or are you going to follow their Qibla; or they will in fact continue to Qibla of the other. If you after that knowledge has come to it, were to follow his desiresâ?•then (in vain) you were done (clearly) wrong. "(Surah Al - Baqarah)"
Jews and Christians are not United among themselves even. They have different beliefs attributed to the manipulation that the reflexive believed that they could do at that time. Religious monopoly is something Almighty Alá prohibits greatly.
"The people of the book know as they know that their own children;" but some of them conceal the truth that they know. (Surah Al - Baqarah) (Qur'an online)
Almighty Allah even addresses others with verses like these and speaks of hiding the truth.
"Ye people of the book!" "Why wear the truth with falsehood and conceal the truth while they have knowledge?" (Surah Aal-e-Imran)
Books like those who arrived before the Holy Qur'an contains the same teachings as does the Qur'an; only the Koran is most appropriate and concise and complete. Quran Online is a resource available on the internet from where one can learn to read and memorize the Koran over the Internet.
It may Allah guide us with the correct options and the correct information to succeed in this world and the next.

If you want to read more articles relating to Islam and the Koran, can be found here: is an Islamic school online that offers the Koran teaching of online services. The school also teaches the recitation of the Qur'an and the reading of the Quran with translation.

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